The Local Officials section allows a user with proper permissions to manage all aspects of Local Officials. Local Officials are updated periodically when the Department of Transportation receives a new file from the Department of Revenue. The new file contains all Local Officials for every Local Government and is imported as a replacement to the information in WebTAS. The user has no ability to edit contact information and a change requires a new import file.
- CVT (Search field)
- User can input a searchable CVT Code
- Local Government (Search field)
- User can input a searchable Local Government name
- Local Government Type (Search field)
- User can select a searchable Local Government Type
- Possible values are All, City, Village, Town, County, or Municipality
- County (Search field)
- User can select a searchable County name from a drop-down list
- Possible values are all Counties in Wisconsin and “All”
- Position (Search field)
- User can select a searchable Position
- Possible Values are Chairman, Clerk, Clerk/Treasurer, Highway Commissioner, Mayor, Treasurer, Clerk & Clerk/Treasurer
- Local Official (Search field)
- User can input a searchable Local Official name
- Import Button
- Redirects user to the Local Officials Import page
- Search Button
- Initiates a search using the information in the searchable filters and populates the data grid
- Export Button
- Exports the information in the data grid along with all fields used to describe a Local Official record
- Information is exported to a CSV file
- CVT Code link (data grid)
- Redirects the user to the Local Official Details Modal
See import documentation HERE
Import Results
See import results documentation HERE
Details Modal
This modal allows the user to view the details of a Local Official from the Local Official Main page data grid.
The information displayed is:
- Local Government
- County
- Local Official
- Position
- Address 1
- Address 2
- City
- State
- Business Phone
- Home Phone
- Fax Number
- Email 1
- Email 2
- Close Button
- User is redirected to the Local Officials main page
- X
- User is redirected to the Local Officials main page