The Edit Linecodes section allows a user with proper permissions to manage all aspects of Linecodes. This information is copied from the Default Linecodes table maintained in the Admin section. Linecodes are specific to the scenario and can change from one calculation year to the next.
- Linecode (Search field)
- User can enter a Linecode
- Linecode Type (Search field)
- User can select a Linecode Type from the drop-down list
- Possible values are All, POLIC, MAINT, CONST, OTHER, or NOLOC
- Linecode Title (Search field)
- User can enter a Linecode Title
- Factor Type (Search field)
- User can select a Factor Type from the drop-down list
- Possible values are “Population/Police Table”, “Population/Other Table”, “Factor”, and “All”
- Expenditure/Revenue Type (Search field)
- User can select “EXP”, “REV”, “EXPREV” or “All”
- Eligible (Search field)
- User can select “Yes”, “No”, or “All”
- Add Linecode Button
- Redirects user to the Add – Linecode Modal
- Search Button
- Initiates a search using the information in the searchable fields and populates the data grid
- Export Button
- Exports the information in the data grid along with all fields used to describe a Linecodes record
- Information is exported to a CSV file
- Accept Button
- The Linecodes are accepted and the event turns from Blue to Green and the user is allowed to proceed to the next event
- Return to Dashboard Button
- Redirects user to the Calculations Dashboard
- Linecode link (data grid)
- Redirects user to the Edit – Linecode Modal
Add/Edit Linecodes
This modal allows the user to add/edit a Linecode.
- Linecode
- User can enter a Linecode
- Linecode Type
- User can select a Linecode type from the drop-down list
- Possible values are All, POLIC, MAINT, CONST, OTHER, or NOLOC
- Linecode Title
- User can enter a Linecode Title
- Expenditure/Revenue Type
- User can select “EXP”, “REV”, or “EXPREV”
- Factor Type
- User can select the Factor Type from the drop-down list
- Possible values are “Factor”, “Population/Police Table”, or “Population/Other Table”
- Factor Percentage
- User can enter a factor percentage
- Eligible
- User can select “Yes” or “No”
- Save Button
- Information is saved and user is redirected to the Edit Linecodes Main page
- Cancel Button
- Information is discarded and user is redirected to the Edit Linecodes Main page
- Delete Button
- Disabled if adding a new Linecode
- The current record is deleted and the user is redirected to the Edit Linecodes Main page
- X
- Information is discarded and user is redirected to the Edit Linecodes Main page