Load Population


The Load Population section allows a user to import Population information for Municipalities.  The Population import file is supplied by the Department of Administration and contains a DOA code instead of the Department of Transportation’s CVT code.  During the import process, the DOA code will be matched to the CVT code and the proper values stored in the WebTAS database for the correct Municipalities.


  • CVT (Search field)
    • User can input a searchable CVT Code
  • Local Government (Search field)
    • User can input a searchable Local Government name
  • Local Government Type (Search field)
    • User can select a searchable Local Government Type
    • Possible values are All, City, Village, Town, County, or Municipality
  • County (Search field)
    • User can select a searchable County name from a drop-down list
    • Possible values are all Counties in Wisconsin and “All”


  • Import Button
    • Redirects user to Load Population Import Page
  • Search Button
    • Initiates a search using the information in the searchable fields and populates the data grid
  • Export Button
    • Exports the information in the data grid along with all fields used to describe a Population record
    • Information is exported to a CSV file
  • Return to Dashboard Button
    • Redirects user to the Calculation Dashboard


You can find documentation on imports HERE

Import Results

You can find documentation on import results HERE