The Edit CHA Lane Mile Rates section allows the user to manage a range of lane mile rates based on population. A Lane Mile Rate consists of a Max Population and Lane Mile Rate.
- Add Lane Mile Rate Button
- Redirects the user to the Add Lane Mile Rate modal
- Accept Button
- The line mile rates are accepted and the event turns from Blue to Green and the user is allowed to proceed to the next event
- Return to Dashboard Button
- Redirects user to the Calculation Dashboard
- Population Link (data grid)
- Redirects user to the Edit Lane Mile Rate modal
Add/Edit CHA Lane Mile Rate Modal
This modal allows the user to add/edit a new Lane Mile Rate.
- Max Population
- User can input a max population
- Lane Mile Rate
- User can input a Lane Mile Rate
- Save Button
- Information is saved and the user is redirected to the Edit CHA Lane Mile Rate page
- Cancel Button
- Information is discarded and user is redirected to the Edit CHA Lane Mile Rate page
- X
- Information is discarded and user is redirected to the Edit CHA Lane Mile Rate page