Calculate WISLR Certified Miles


The page allows a user to calculate WISLR certified miles for all Counties and Municipalities.  The calculation process takes into account historical calculation years certified miles and modified certified miles history.

County records are not included in the DOR WISLR data so this process will sum the miles for all municipalities in the county.

The DOR WISLR data does not include Multi-county base record summations so this process aggregates population across Multi-county base and non-base records.

Calculate WISLR miles that use modified history are highlighted in Red.


  • CVT (Search field)
    • User can input a searchable CVT Code
  • Local Government (Search field)
    • User can input a searchable Local Government name
  • Local Government Type (Search field)
    • User can select a searchable Local Government Type
    • Possible values are All, City, Village, Town, County, or Municipality
  • County (Search field)
    • User can select a searchable County name from a drop-down list
    • Possible values are all Counties in Wisconsin and “All”


  • Calculate WISLR Certified Miles Button
    • The WISLR miles is calculated for all applicable Counties and Municipalities and displays the result in the data grid
  • Search Button
    • Initiates a search using the information in the searchable fields and populates the data grid
  • Export Button
    • Exports the information in the data grid along with all fields used to describe a Calculated WISLR Certified Miles record
    • Information is exported to a CSV file
  • Accept Button
    • The calculation results are accepted and the event turns from Blue to Green and the user is allowed to proceed to the next event
  • Return to Dashboard Button
    • Redirects user to the Calculation Dashboard